

About Company

GMC Conditioning S.r.l. was established on 12.02.2024 from the merger of the entrepreneurial ideas and decades of experience of Sole Member Maria Rosaria Torbino and Sole Director Massimiliano Simonelli in the field of air conditioning.

Quality, reliability, expertise-these are the foundations on which GMC operates, anywhere in the world.

GMC Conditioning S.r.l. was established on 12.02.2024 from the merger of the entrepreneurial ideas and decades of experience of Sole Member Maria Rosaria Torbino and Sole Director Massimiliano Simonelli in the field of air conditioning.

The company was established primarily for the installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems, but it does not neglect complementary activities such as the installation of piping systems such as chilled, hot water and firefighting as well as the installation of insulation materials for both ducts and pipes.

GMC Conditioning also carries out, carpentry installation activities and to complement the activities mentioned before, the cleaning, sanitizing and sealing of ducts and pipes.

The years of activity carried out in the various sectors, have led Dr. Torbino and Dr. Simonelli to the creation and consolidation of partnerships with other companies that today give GMC the possibility to be able to supply the materials that will then be installed with a highly competitive “just in time” level (depending on the quantities, it is possible to reach even a supplyin 24 hours on the national territory).

The orbit in which GMC Conditioning operates is national, but without neglecting the possibility of expanding across borders and overseas (as done in previous experiences by the Partner and Administrator).

The Team

GMC Conditioning Srl boasts an established Team of resources with decades of experience located in the Legal and Operations offices.

Registered Office
and Administrative
Operating Locations
in the various Italian Shipyards